
About The Evolution of Eloquence (EOE)

The Evolution of Eloquence is my experiment with English eloquence. I wish to write a variety of  artworks using words as my paint and this website as my canvas.  Feedback is always welcome and appreciated. Enjoy the show.

About Author

My names is James Revels III. I’m a composer who likes to create just about everything. As the one man team of Pyromaniac Productions, a movement to promote education and creativity, I not only create music, but also design logos and visuals, produce videos and write lyrics, poetry and short stories. My goal is to live a life of creativity so I don’t waste any of my talents and gifts.

Get a sampler of my recent poetry book & soundtrack here

640 thoughts on “About

  1. Thank you for finding my blog and following. Wow – I really like your blog. What’s not to like about lions? and this color scheme? I am looking forward to seeing/hearing more from yhou.

  2. As one of my beloved followers, I would like to extend my sincere thanks and gratitude by sharing with you my exciting news of becoming a newly published author! And, of course, I wanted you to be among the very first to get a chance to read the rest of my debut novel, The Legacy of Blood, now available in e-book format.

    (No worries if you don’t have a Kindle or other e-reader device, they have free ones to download on your computer. I went on Amazon and downloaded their “Kindle for PC” absolutely free! Love it! Here’s the link if you need it: http://www.amazon.com/gp/kindle/pc/download .)

    Again, I want to thank you kindly for all the support. And you never know, as some of my followers have told me, you could say you’ve had a big hand in helping make Shelby Westland a household name! :P

    The Legacy of Blood on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Legacy-Blood-Sanguivore-Saga-ebook/dp/B00C5J7V2E/
    Other e-reader retailers to follow soon!


  3. Keep up the good work Leo there is a lot of ignorance in the world so keep on fighting the good fight and keep illuminating others via truth and wisdom.

  4. thanks for stopping by Ivegotconfidence and liking my latest post! Your blog looks very interesting and I look forward to checking it out from time to time. God has blessed each of us w/gifts and talents and I’m always intrigued by how each person uses them. God bless you as you share yours with all of us!!

  5. Hi, James! I wanted to thank you for stopping by my own blog and following it. I greatly appreciate any readers. I like the title of your blog and the way you’re branching out, and enjoyed your poetry and your thoughts on art. Hope you’re growing and sharing for a long time to come.

  6. Just to say hi, and thanks for following my blog. Seems we are heading in the same adventure with the language. All the best on this road. I’m looking forward to see your progress. :)

    1. 2 years ago I moved to my new blog audiosexxx.com and after publishing a book of poems I decided over the next month I’m going to reboot The Evolution of Eloquence and curate both blogs. I hope to see you around!

  7. Hi!

    First off THANK YOU for following our blog! We wanted you to be one of the first to know that we are launching an event website called wigo events. Our site focuses on a community of users in Los Angeles sharing cool events that they know about, and we would love to have you be a part of it! If you are interested in being one of our very first users please leave us your email address at the link right below, sorry its so long, don’t know how to add a hyperlink in the comment section haha. Once our site goes live in the next few months, we’ll let you know!


    Sara, Team Wigo!

    1. 2 years ago I moved to my new blog audiosexxx.com and after publishing a book of poems I decided over the next month I’m going to reboot The Evolution of Eloquence and curate both blogs. I hope to see you around!

    1. Thanks you and I have kept up the work even though it hasn’t been documented on this site 2 years ago I moved to my new blog audiosexxx.com and after publishing a book of poems I decided over the next month I’m going to reboot The Evolution of Eloquence and curate both blogs. I hope to see you around!

  8. Hi James (this is James, right) You sometimes visit my place–thanks a lot! As I said before I love your place and your work.

    I wanted to ask you about composing software. I’ve been wanting to get into it for a while and just tried “Noteflight” for their trial run before signing up (musical notation via computer keyboard, nice playback capabilities, etc.). I liked it and it turned out better and easier than I expected, but I’m not sure I like thier terms of use. Do you have any recommendations about either pay or free software or online composing stuff? I work with musical notation and staves and such. Could also work with keyboard but don’t know how to hook it up. Advice?

    I should mention that I’m a technical dolt, not facile with itunes or any of that stuff, but I could hunt and peck my way through Noteflight pretty well.

Feedback is greatly appreciated